Perturbing nuclear glycosylation in the mouse preimplantation embryo slows down embryonic growth

This website shows the results of the analyses of RNA-Seq data for paper "Perturbing nuclear glycosylation in the mouse preimplantation embryo slows down embryonic growth" (Formichetti et al. 2024).

Source Rmd code is in github repository.

2-cell embryos



E7 embryos

Note: in all reports, EPI and TROPHO denote the embryonic and extraembryonic halves in which the E7 embryos were cut, largely corresponding to the epiblast (deriving from the blastocyst ICM) and extraembryonic ectoderm (deriving from the blastocyst trophectoderm) tissues.

Publicly available mRNA-Seq data spanning mouse early development (GSE66582 and GSE76505, only wild-type embryos)